What is ZALP program…
The company have developed a program on the basis of our own methodology for performing hydraulic calculations of gas fire extinguishing compounds ZALP. The program has been tested and confirmed by repeated conducting of full-scale fire tests at operating facilities. ZALP is computer program in the Russian Federation designed to calculate the nonstationary flow of a three-component two-phase flow in a pipeline system for the supply of a gas extinguishing agent stored in a gas extinguishing module under the pressure of a propellant gas. It is necessary to note that the ZALP program is adapted and designed only for equipment manufactured by JSC «ARTSOK». Therefore, its use in the calculation of installations related to equipment of another manufacturer is strictly unacceptable. It means that the methodology takes into account only the specific hydraulic characteristics of the shut-off devices(ZPU) of MGP of the company «ARTSOK». The results of calculations of the modules of other manufacturers according to the ZALP program will not correspond to the actual operation of the unit.
Required data for performing hydraulic calculations
To have correct execution of the hydraulic calculation, the Customer has to provide us the following information: